Those New-Hire Feels

InsightsMay 20, 2016

It’s no secret that we’re a small team here at Planetary; this means that any new addition to the team brings a huge upgrade in the expertise, experience, interests, opinions, favorite sandwiches, and nicknames we get to use. And if there’s one thing that’s true about this great universe we live in, it’s that two is greater than one.

What could I possibly be getting at here? Drumroll, please …

Planetary is beaming with pride to introduce you to our two newest crew members: Vince Joy and Samantha Ingram!

Samantha (Sam) hails from the great city of Cincinnati, Ohio, from where she’ll be shipping front-end code as our lead front-end engineer. While we at Planetary have always taken pride in the quality of our code, adding Sam’s considerable talent and laser-sharp focus on clean, performant front-ends will open up new horizons for the team: ES6 modules? Custom css properties? HTML emails? Sky’s the limit!

Samantha (Sam) hails from the great city of Cincinnati, Ohio, from where she’ll be shipping front-end code as our lead front-end engineer. While we at Planetary have always taken pride in the quality of our code, adding Sam’s considerable talent and laser-sharp focus on clean, performant front-ends will open up new horizons for the team: ES6 modules? Custom css properties? HTML emails? Sky’s the limit!

(On second thought, HTML emails might actually be the limit.)

Vince is currently working from our New York office, and though he’s shown remarkable endurance in the face of Josh’s puns, he’ll soon be representing the team in Detroit, Michigan. He’ll be heading Planetary’s design team as our lead designer, which means he knows a lot about shapes. Circles, squares, you name ’em — he’s not too shabby at designing complex, information-rich interfaces either. And rhombuses? Rhombus is his middle name.

(Rhombus isn’t actually his middle name, but maybe it’ll stick)

Ok, phew. I’ve fully expressed all of my enthusiasm for one day. But if you can’t tell by the gifs and the exclamation marks and the bad jokes, I’ll say it once again:

We’re proud of our small-but-growing team, and can’t wait to share the work Sam and Vince help us create.